The book “Eurojackpot – Visual Aspects and Number Finding – Strategy” provides a comprehensive evaluation of the last 10 years of Eurojackpot and contains statistical calculations and easy-to-understand representations of number combinations to give readers an overarching understanding of the numbers. It also includes templates for creating your own partial system games and shows the average chances of winning. The book is intended to help readers make their own probability calculations and increase their chances of winning. Author Kamuran Cakir has years of experience in the mathematical analysis of lottery games and calculating probabilities. The book also includes guiding principles for thinking holistically in all aspects of life. It contains approximately 256 pages with many graphical and statistical illustrations. A calculation error by the lottery companies is addressed in the book and made public through the press.
Titel: Eurojackpot
Untertitel: Visual Aspects and Numerical Reasoning – Strategy
ISBN: 9783910643024
Sprache: Englisch
Anzahl Seiten: 256
Verlag: Kamuran Cakir
Produktform: Softcover, A4
Höhe / Breite / Gewicht: H 29,7 cm / B 21 cm / 936 g
Erscheinungsdatum: 31.03.2023
Preise: 29,90 EUR
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